Saturday, August 27, 2016

6th Generation: Jemima Parkes (my paternal ggg grandma; Irwin Jacob Robinson's paternal grandma)

Parkes Sisters: Jemima & Elizabeth Hannah--The original is from a rare collodial negative done on glass. Jemima's daughter Josephine said it hung on the wall of her childhood home in England for as long as she could remember.

Parkes Sisters: Jemima & Elizabeth Hannah--The original is from a rare colloidal negative done on glass. Jemima's daughter Josephine said it hung on the wall of her childhood home in England for as long as she could remember.

Jemima Parkes sailed with her husband to America on the Windemere. It was a very rough voyage.

Jemima Parkes sailed with her husband to America on the Windemere. It was a very rough voyage.


Jemima: "Never say anything about yourself you wouldn't like others to say about you."

Three Parkes Sisters from Derbyshire:  (l to r) Annie (Parkes) Littlewood, Jemima (Parkes) Robinson; Elizabeth Hannah (Parkes) Higgs (Tintype)

Three Parkes Sisters from Derbyshire: (l to r) Annie (Parkes) Littlewood, Jemima (Parkes) Robinson; Elizabeth Hannah (Parkes) Higgs (Tintype)

Jemima Parkes Robinson

Jemima Parkes Robinson - Death Certificate

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