Tuesday, August 23, 2016

4th Generation: Helen McRae -my maternal grandmother (Grandma Gwen's mother)

Helen preferred to be referred to as "Mother" or "Grandmother".  She was an artist and I remember seeing many of her paintings, mainly of flowers.

She died just after I moved to Utah with my three daughters, ages 4, 6 and 7.  Gratefully, just the year before, I had stopped by with them to see grandmother at her home in Centerville, Utah and the girls were able to meet their GREAT GREAT grandmother!  I bet there aren't many people who can say they have met their great great anything!  I do have some pictures..I'll post them when I can.

My Great Grandmother, Helen McRae was married to Everett Alma Young on 27 May 1926. 
She married James Edward Stock on  4 June 1946 and Marius Oman Evans on 27 JUL 1996.

Helen by the well.

Birth Certificate: McRae, Helen

Marriage License & Certificate: McRae, Helen - Everett A Young

Marriage License & Certificate: McRae Young, Helen - James Edward Stock

Helen McRae and Marius Oman Evans on their wedding day  July 27, 1996

Death certificate for Helen McRae

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